
Special Stories and Songlines of Life, Land and Larder

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Special Stories and Songlines of Life, Land and Larder

Gnamma Holes are natural depressions or rock-holes hollowed out through chemical weathering processes in granite domes or other hard rock surfaces. They allow pools of fresh rainwater to form and have been an important and sometimes sacred feature for Aboriginal people for over 60,000 years.  Gnamma holes created critical water supplies for the Aborigines, influencing their annual migration patterns or songlines across the western half of Australia.

In a similar fashion to gnamma holes, this site serves as a place where special stories of life, land and larder are gathered and pooled. The Gnamma Hole is repository of special places, people, and experiences that refresh, restore and enrich us along our life journeys – whoever and wherever we are in the world.

We hope this site inspires you to go out and explore new places, experiences and to share them with others on social media.

If you have a special story to tell, email us for our consideration (all contributing authors fully acknowledged).

The Largest Intact Temperate Woodland on Earth

The Largest Intact Temperate Woodland on Earth

This video, set to a poem by Dr Keren Raiter, showcases the Great Western Woodlands in Western Australia. The Great Western Woodlands is the largest intact temperate woodland left on Earth. It extends from the WA wheatbelt across to the Nullarbor Plain and at 16 million hectares is twice the size of Tasmania. The Great Western Woodlands is home to over 3,000 flowering plant species making it one of the most bio-diverse environments in Australia. Currently most of Woodlands has no conservation status or management which clearly does not reflect its global significance. Join with the Wilderness Society in calling for better protection of the Great Western Woodlands: www.greatwesternwoodlands.com

Wilderness Australia

Wilderness Australia

Blessed are the Cheesemakers! 'Bleu de Termignon'

Blessed are the Cheesemakers! 'Bleu de Termignon'

Shirin Yuko - Japanese Forest Bathing

Shirin Yuko - Japanese Forest Bathing