All in Land Management

How Australian Native Grasses Lessen The Impact Of Climate Change

“agriculture generally speaking, has been taking from the soil for many years and by planting a diverse native grassland you're actually putting back into the soil. The grasses build the nutrients without adding fertilizer and without the use of extra chemicals so the costs to the agricultural endeavour are greatly reduced in the long run.” - Andrew Fairney Chief Executive Officer,

Mals - The Pesticide-Free Town

For hundreds of years, the people of Mals had cherished their traditional foodways and kept their local agriculture organic. Their town had become a mecca for tourists drawn by the alpine landscape, the rural and historic character of the villages, and the fine breads, wines, cheeses, herbs, vegetables, and the other traditional foods they produced. Yet Mals is located high up in the eastern Alps, and the valley below was being steadily overtaken by big apple producers, heavily dependent on pesticides.

Saving Bialowieza: Nature’s last line of defence

Primeval forest like Białowieża used to cover the European plain 10,000 years ago, and the Polish government is fighting an EU order to stop logging it.

No story says ‘people versus power’ like the struggle to save Bialowieza forest in Poland. In 2016, concerned citizens from all walks of life mobilised in this ancient forest to stop extreme logging by the Polish state.